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Discus aquarium

Amazon River setting with 30 Fire Red Discus

Discus aquarium

Elegance and liveliness

In the fascinating world of aquarium hobby, the minimalist open discus aquarium stands out for its refined simplicity and the liveliness of its inhabitants: the fire red discus. This type of aquarium, with its clean and minimalist design, allows discus to shine in their full beauty and capture the attention of anyone who lays eyes on them.

The project

Clean lines and minimalist approach

If we think of an aquarium, we usually imagine coral reefs, hyper-colorful fish and anemones. The mix of colors and marine creatures can also be reproduced in freshwater aquariums, we are talking about tanks that reproduce ecosystems that characterize the great rivers of the Earth. This discus aquarium over three meters long is an example of this.

The aquarium is positioned in a corridor that divides the living area from the sleeping area. The custom-made extra-clear glass tub rests on a white wooden piece of furniture that fits into the context of the home, recalling the colors of the doors and skirting boards, closing the whole thing with a wonderful resin floor.

The internal setup of this aquarium is minimal: river sand, gray rocks with white veins (Seiryu stones ADA) and 3 imposing pieces of wood that offer shelter to the fish, giving an amber color to the water in the tank.

The aquarium of approximately 1400 liters hosts 30 Solid Red Discus, 300 Hemmigrammus Rhodostomus and 3 Coridoras Sterbai and is managed with a control computer that constantly monitors the parameters and allows complete remote management.

After about 2 years from the setup, the discus fish inserted have matured a bright fiery red color, the first pairs have formed which regularly lay their eggs, giving hope for a start of reproduction in the aquarium.

The discus fish with its elegance stands out inside this custom-made tank, except for the need to feed them manually several times a day, this type of internal layout is rather simple to manage.

The minimal furnishings, the splash of color of the fish and their calm swimming make this aquarium truly unique.

If you haven't already done so, read our article on discussion playback.


Number of Discus size M


Liters gross including filtering


Hours overall work for turnkey construction

Charm and elegance

The discus fish is one of the most fascinating and admired species in the aquarium world. Its charm lies mainly in its timeless elegance. With its flat, laterally compressed body, elongated fins and vibrant colors, the discus immediately captures the attention of anyone who observes it. But above all it is the calm attitude and the grace in the movements that make the discus so fascinating. With slow and regal steps, it almost seems to dance in the water, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and serenity in its environment. Its colors can range from rich shades of red, orange, yellow and blue, to more delicate shades of white and pink, adding a visual vibrancy to its already elegant appearance.

Grace and elegance

Observing a group of Discus in their environment is like watching a delicate and harmonious dance, in which the fish move in synchrony between the plants and shelters, creating a living picture. The Discus's personality, its interaction with other fish and its curious attitude make it a fascinating companion to observe.

The care and breeding of discus requires special dedication, but the result is a marvel to behold. Ultimately, the elegance of the discus fish goes far beyond its aesthetic beauty. It is a fish that enchants the eyes and the soul with its grace and unique charm. If you are looking to add a touch of sophistication and tranquility to your aquarium, the discus will certainly meet your expectations. Prepare to be fascinated by the spectacle that this magnificent fish can offer.

Contact us

Aquarium Discus

If you would like to create a tailor-made aquarium to house these magnificent discus fish, do not hesitate to contact us. Our experts are ready to make your dream of a custom aquarium that reflects your vision and meets your discus needs come true.